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Light your fire! IKYA community summer party on 23 June 15:00

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Light Your Fire ❤️

IKYA Community Summer Party 2024

23 June at 15:00

Feel Real Farm, Maridalen in Oslo

We warmly invite you to our IKYA Community Summer Party!

23 June starting at 15:00

We co-create a conscious celebrational program, including meditation and fun, and most of all – time to connect, make new friends and celebrate being together!

You can bring your children and/or partner. Your animal family members need to stay home and will not be joining the party today.

All of us will co-create a vibrant buffet that will delight us all with the dishes that each of us brings. Our IKYA Ganapati team will organize which dishes we need from whom, plus any additional tasks or ways you can contribute.

While we eat dinner, we will also entertain each other in different fun ways.

A midsummer Dance and Bonfire will light the night after dinner!

Book your ticket here at

Price: NOK 100/person

We will email you with more information and details about the day’s plans and how you will contribute to this co-creation shortly.

If you live outside the Oslo area and need accommodation for the evening or the weekend, please post your needs to our IKYA Community facebook group, or to the IKYA Mantra or IKYA Aligned Crystal Healing facebook groups. 

If you live in the Oslo area and want to make your home available for fellow community members to stay the weekend, please post in the same groups and/or reply to your fellow students’ posts in the groups.

If you have any questions or special requests or needs, please email us at